Teaching Story Elements for Kids
Using Picture Books to Teach Plot Development and Conflict, children’s author shares how she has used unicorn picture books and characters.
Teaching story elements for kids is helpful for any picture book.
5 Components for Story Elements are:
- the characters (the people, animal, creatures or things in a story)
- the setting,
- the plot
- the problem or conflict
- and the solution or resolution.
These essential elements keep the story running smoothly and allow the action to develop in a logical way that the reader can follow.
It can be fun to identify the story elements with any picture book. This helps students understand the story elements for picture books they have read, or a story they want to create.
I created these printable worksheets. You can get the 3 piece Story Elements Printables here.
Next Lesson:
Using Picture Books to Teach Plot Development and Conflict.