Holiday and Year Round Book donations for Children's charities & school Libraries.

We feel it is important to help and give help and thanks to others, which is why Unicorn Jazz and friends like Hindi’s Libraries and our Unicorn Jazz community and spokespersons (Emily Isabel, Sofia Swade, MaddieKay Harris) receive book donations year round and especially around the holidays to give books to children in need.  We continue to grow with the tremendous amount of support and donations we receive.  100% of the books donated to us go to children’s charities like:  Children’s Hospital of Orange County, Aaron Community Cultural Center in Los Angeles, El Paso Children’s Hospital, Grangou – an orphanage in Haiti, Shade Tree – shelter for women, children and their pets in Las Vegas. 

To send us books that come directly to Unicorn Jazz headquarters, click on the books on our Amazon Wish List!

Authors, Illustrators & Publishers: Want to send your own books? Share below for our direct address! If you send 7 or more autographed books, we will spotlight on Instagram!

Click here – Sponsors needed!

Sponsorship Donations are tax deductible and will be used for Marketing, Volunteers Tee Shirts, Boxed Lunches, Toys and Gift Items for Registered Families. Each registered child ages Infants – 17 years old will receive a new book, a bag of food treats, a toy or gift and a box of food for their family. Your generosity is appreciated and needed.

We believe in sharing literary support for developing learners. 75% of recipients are below the poverty line, 40% are reading below grade level, and 100% of book donations we receive are donated to children’s non-profits!

holiday book donation drive

Book Donation Drive Volunteers!

‘Tis the season to bring joy, our wonderful event includes a live Santa; Storytime; musical performances by artists Catriona Fray and Alena Bernardi of Unicorn Music Academy and more

Help & Give Back

We feel it is important to help and give help and thanks to others, which is why Unicorn Jazz and friends like Hindi’s Libraries and our Unicorn Jazz community and spokespersons (Emily Isabel, Sofia Swade, MaddieKay Harris) receive book donations year round and especially around the holidays to give books to children in need.  We continue to grow with the tremendous amount of support and donations we receive.  100% of the books donated to us go to children’s charities like:  Children’s Hospital of Orange County, Aaron Community Cultural Center in Los Angeles, El Paso Children’s Hospital, Grangou – an orphanage in Haiti, Shade Tree – shelter for women, children and their pets in Las Vegas. 

Music Teacher

Musicians Supporting Our Book Drive Initiatives!

Alena Jean Bernardi is a woman of many artistic talents. As an avid vocalist, songwriter, actress, and composer in the past, Alena is also a music educator with a unique method of emphasizing the art of spiritual teaching through sound.

12 Days of Christmas Music Video

Proceeds from the 12 Days of Christmas Music Video go to Children’s Hospital of Orange County

Join our Hashtag Book Donation Drive Campaign!

About Aaron Community Cultural Center

Picture of Andrea Harland, Founder

Andrea Harland, Founder

The Aaron Community Cultural Center (ACCC) is a non-profit organization that provides many helpful services to those in need, including shared housing, youth employment preparation, support groups, life skills coaching, and food distribution to individuals and families in need of groceries.

Unicorn Jazz Teams Up with ACCC for Free Back to School Book Donation Drive Story Time Event Plus School Supplies and Food Giveaways


Hindi's Libraries

Picture of Leslie Gang, Founder

Leslie Gang, Founder

A first-generation born American from a Russian family, Leslie wants to be known for being a person who spoke her mind and stood up for what she believes in while teaching her children to do the same, even when it may seem difficult to do so.

Grangou, Haiti Kids in Need

Author picture

In 2008, Grangou officially became an organization with the purpose of raising awareness about the extreme difficulties that Haitian children endure, as well as feeding the hearts, minds, and bodies of all Haitians who require assistance.

Children's Hospital of Orange County

Author picture

Last year we donated 350 books and we know this year we will continue to help share the joy of giving for the holiday season!

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El Paso Children's Hospital

Author picture

El Paso Children’s Hospital provides the highest level of pediatric care in West Texas and Southern New Mexico. Since opening on February 14, 2012 we have been able to decrease the outmigration for pediatric subspecialty and surgical care by 80%.

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Author picture

The Shade Tree Organization provides safe shelter to homeless and abused women & children in crisis. Offering life-changing services promoting stability, dignity, and self-reliance.

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Lend a helping hand and heart this holiday season

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Follow Unicorn Jazz and Friends Holiday book drive on social media and tag us  #HelpAndGiveBack #2021BookDrive #UnicornJazz