Mia Francesca Martinez is a Latina 13-year-old rising star in the world of performing arts! Do What You Love to be able to give back more of who you are to the world, is one of her mottos she lives by.

Mia Francesca Martinez is a Latina 13-year-old rising star in the world of performing arts! Do What You Love to be able to give back more of who you are to the world, is one of her mottos she lives by.
Sheylan is 10 years old and lives in Alaska, the same place she was born. Sheylan LOVES skiing, even when she was young. This is a picture of her skiing at just 6 years old!
Bilingual First Grade Teacher Encourages Creativity & Learning While Kids are Home Through Sock Puppets
As a child, Natalia Sepulveda wanted to have her own business. She is a mom blogger, translator and mother. Bilingual Life Style is a space she uses to share everything she loves including: God, bilingual family adventures, book reviews, translations, educational and bilingual resources, and collaborations.