Unique Like Unicorns – Finding Meaning in a Unicorn Kids Book as an Adult
What does a unicorn kids book for adults look like? Well, with Unicorn Jazz you can truly find meaning as an adult, too! By Aisha Armer
We are all Unique Like Unicorns
My name is Aisha (pronounced like the country Asia). I am thrilled to have grown by being part of the Unicorn Kids Book for adults, Unicorn Jazz.
It is by far not just written for kids, but adults can find meaning and joy in these books, too!

Aisha Armer and Lisa Caprelli while in Chicago for Unicorn Jazz Toy & Game Convention -2019
I will tell you why with some of my personal story:
At the age of 29, people may be curious as to why I cherish this kids brand, and perhaps even wonder, “Why Unicorn Jazz? What does this ‘children’s series’ even mean to you?
Well, I have to go back about 10 years to understand some significance to my ideas.
I am going to backtrack to when I was younger, in order to explain the importance of Unicorn Jazz, the message behind Unicorn Jazz, and especially the woman who created it, and what it all means to me.
- My siblings
- Growing up as a kid
- Elementary school
Growing up, in grade school, as well as through my high school years, I was known as the popular girl who hung out with a popular crowd (‘popular’ is so under-rated).
Although I was often surrounded by many kinds of people, I never felt like I truly belonged. When I approached high school, I was insecure and overweight. I felt like my life was turned upside down even more, when my parents got divorced.
I like to be known as the girl who always puts a smile on her face. It was easy to hide insecurities, problems and doubts. I went through life trying to fit in and trying to please other people. An important thing I was not doing a good job of was taking care of myself.
When I graduated high school, I didn’t have a purpose in life. I believe I had an idea of that purpose, but in reality I didn’t understand who I (Aisha) really was. What was I here on Earth to do? What was I meant for?
You see, I was always trying to be someone else to gain acceptance from others. And because I wanted to be accepted so desperately, at age 18, I made a terrible decision that detrimentally harmed my life and future.
Wanting to “fit in” and not express my true self, left me in a two-month coma, in which, once awoken, I had to regain all of my motor functions. Doing simple things like walking, talking, putting on makeup, even drinking water — you name it, I had to regain the ability to do this all over again. It felt like being a toddler at times.
After going through this traumatizing experience, I made the beautiful decision to live for ME.
I know I matter.
I am amazing and so are you!
In my mid 20’s, I attended Saddleback College transferring with honors to the University of Southern California. Graduating from USC in the year 2015, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, was such a huge accomplishment! I was overjoyed.
And then came more let downs. Because of “the new me” that came from my prior life challenges, it was now extremely difficult to find a job.
Potential employers could not see the potential in me. I mean, my professors in college believed in me. I did not know that I was about to go through the feelings of rejection in not being hired, time and time again — in job interview after job interview.
My speech may not be the way other people speak, but I have my cognition and wit about me. I feel like shouting sometimes, “I am Aisha, I am still ME.”
Even though I wanted to get a job and have a place in this world, no one understood the journey I had been through and I was surely not given any grace for my perceived shortcomings. Whether it was due to my movements not being very coordinated or having to talk more clearly, the bottom line was I simply was not getting hired for what I learned and pursued in college.
In 2019, I was getting by as a restaurant host. I was introduced to Lisa Caprelli by a mutual colleague (a former professor) from Women In Toys in May. Lisa saw me for who I was. She agreed to mentor me and teach me real-world work experience. Along the way, she recognized a lot of my skill sets and gifts that make me unique and who I am.
I will be forever grateful for being introduced to Lisa Caprelli. She, without question, believed in me. I have developed a lot more confidence and skill sets and have acquired new work and, of course, you can never stop learning.
Who knew that there would come a silver lining with serendipity because of a children’s book series named, Unicorn Jazz.
The messages that are portrayed in the Unicorn Jazz children’s book series are about:
- believing in others as well as yourself,
- being unique is awesome,
- kindness goes a long way
- And, most importantly, being YOU is the most valuable and precious characteristic.
Aisha Armer and Lisa Caprelli sharing Unicorn books adults love, too like in Eye See You Choosing Kindness! California State Library Association Convention, featured booth January 2020
What the world may not know is that “Lisa Caprelli” lives up to the lessons and messages behind Unicorn Jazz. Lisa believed in me and accepted me just as I am. I wouldn’t have been able to truly accept and believe in myself without her lifting me up — BELIEVING IN ME!
Unicorn Jazz also celebrates positivism, having faith in yourself, believing in others, being kind (even to someone who hasn’t been kind to you).
We are all unique. And you know what? Uniqueness is beautiful!
Unicorn Jazz and author Lisa Caprelli have made the most positive impact on my life. And to think, it all happened because of something found in picture books and words for kids.
When you take the time to truly understand Unicorn Jazz books, no matter how young or old you are, you will also realize that the jazzy world means to never stop playing.
Unique Like Unicorns
To be part of Unicorn Kids Book for Adults and Unicorn Jazz, you can be any age, not just a kid. I am still a child at heart and I believe you can always be kid-like, too.
Today Aisha has expanded her expertise as a social media content maker for other companies. Connect with her on Instagram.
Watch her 60 second message: