Bee Paper Bag Puppet DIY Instructions based on Children’s Books Bee-ing Happy with Unicorn Jazz
Bee Paper Bag Puppet! Need another friend to join Unicorn Jazz and Woof the Crow on their adventures? Make this paper bag puppet of Bee Happy!
Bee Paper Bag Puppet – Make for yourself or with friends.
Materials you’ll need:
- 1 yellow paper bag – per bee
- Colored paper: yellow, blue and black
- Googly eyes
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Black marker
- Take the yellow paper bag and with the black marker draw black stripes on the front side. You could also do it at the back as well for a creative touch!
- From the yellow paper, cut out a ‘V’ shape and two circles.
- Cut two triangles with rounded corners from the blue paper:
- The last pieces to cut out are two black strips:
- Roll the strips along a spray can. This makes them hold their shape easier or you can also use a big marker to make the glasses easily.
- Glue two ends of one strip together. Repeat for another strip.
These will be the glasses Bee Happy wears !
- Glue the wings and antennae onto the back of the paper bag:
- On the front side, glue the googly eyes and the glasses:
- Now you’re ready to play with this paper back puppet and Bee Happy!
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