Puppets and Happiness – The Thing I Do Kids & Family Show 4
Puppets and Happiness Inspiration The Thing I Do Kids Show 4. During the time where the world needs joy, humor and a fun way to learn, you can count on Sock Puppet Penelope!
Puppets and Happiness is the theme of Unicorn Jazz’s THE THING I DO – Show 4.
The average child’s attention span is 3 to 5 minutes for each year of their age. When it comes to literacy and learning, you have to get creative in order to keep kids engaged. Puppets are the perfect tool to make reading fun! Books are better when they are read with energy, exciting tones and funny voices. Even if you’re a shy reader, a puppet can become your alter-ego! Kids use their imagination to separate the real speaker from the puppet. So grab a sock, a few buttons–whatever you’d like and bring your new puppet friend to life! ~Keyana Martinez, Mom, Teacher, Found of The Storytime Box for kids
On the last THE THING I DO kids show was below, Julian Lerner, Broadway Performer, click on show graphic to see a recap of that show!
Bee-ing Happy with Unicorn Jazz and friends puppet show story book read aloud with song
To Love is to Be Happy. Learn more about Unicorn Jazz inspiration and Bee Happy in this article with some free bee happy stuff.
Dr. Chris will share about the importance of HAPPINESS and easy things you can do at home to be happy, like Bee Happy!
Dr. Chris shares some beautiful about GREEN SEA TURTLES!
My friend, teacher, homeschool mom created The Storytime Box and she’s helped write a lot of the educational curriculum and activities for Unicorn Jazz! Last week she gave us a beautiful poem about unicorns in honor of National Unicorn Day. #HomeSchoolIsCool
Share yours with our Flipgrid | Based on the book: Bee-ing Happy with Unicorn Jazz and Friends
Home School parents, school librarians, teachers, educators, you can CREATE your own Bee-ing Happy page ideas as shown in the video when you click on FLIPGRID with this easy 5 page download.
Instructions : Download the Bee Happy Kit (above, click link) . Then Make your Own Coloring Page.
Reply with Video and Show Us What Makes You Happy. We will share all the ones we receive in an upcoming show via social shares and video!
“For my birthday this year, April 23rd, we are asking family, friends and new friends to send in WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?! Just one page, color away, draw, paint or just write anything about what BEING HAPPY means to you! Kids love doing this and so do grown ups!” – LIsa Caprelli
Unicorn Jack interviews Penelope in Happiness News segment.
Natalia Sepulveda and her son Ezra are regulars now on THE THING I DO. Natalia is Bilingual – teaches in English and Spanish and is now writing her own children’s book about SEA TURTLES called: Kai The Missionary Sea Turtle or in Spanish: Kai la tortuga marina misionera
Natalia Sepúlveda, is a children’s book author and Spanish translator. She holds a master’s degree in Spanish from the University of Central Florida in Orlando. Natalia currently lives in Orlando with her husband Joseph and two children. She enjoys traveling, spending time with family, and serving the Lord. She’s the owner of Bilingual Lifestyle Publishing and Co-founder of Panem Project. She also runs a Bilingual Lifestyle blog, where she shares her bilingual family adventures, book reviews, and bilingual and educational resources.
Blog: Bilinguallifestyle.worpress.com Social Media: @Bilingualifestyle (links: www.instagram.com/bilinguallifestyle www.facebook.com/bilinguallifestyle)
Andrew Martinez and his Prodigal Sock Puppet Show story and positive messages for kids. Andrew is Lisa Caprelli’s nephew and during a family group text, she asked, “Does anyone want to make puppets to make kids happy?”
Andrew is a quality assurance software engineer. He tests computer software which specializes in super fast upload and downloads. A lot of big companies like Netflix and WB use our products.
Two things to know about Andrew:
- If a kid wanted to grow up to have a job like yours what are things or subjects they should learn more about? Learn a lot about computers and programming! Its a skill that is so useful!
- What is an interesting thing that many people may not know about you? I really like the color black. I own about 7 black jackets. I think its a pretty awesome color.
Marcello shares his puppet show featuring his hamster. He does so with help from his parents, the Funks. His parents own Desert Oak Barbecue in El Paso, Texas. When he grows up he wants to be a veterinarian.
Kevin Boozer shares some happiness with a short message to families!

Kevin Boozer, Media specialist from Reuben Elementary School/Whitmire Community School shares his puppet messages!
I have lived my entire life in Newberry, South Carolina. I believe that young children learn through play. I also believe they learn through sharing. That puppet is a special person they can share with. Eddie and Willie Puppet both are five years old. They are brothers. Children see them as equals or as kid brothers. It gives a safe space for them to express themselves. I have seen children tell the puppet things they would keep from adults. There is great value in the safe space for learning puppets provide for us. Mostly, I love to see children’s eyes light up as they see the puppets.
I loved and learned so much from Mr.Rogers Neighborhood as a kid, but also, I started with puppet ministry at my church when I was 16. Here we are 25 years later and I can get paid to do what I love–teach with puppets and legos, etc. and call it work.
I am in my second year as a school librarian. I worked freelance for a newspaper in Whitmire, SC–one of the areas where I currently teach. I filed a lot of stories from the library branch in that small milltown. I spent time talking with Linda Bullard, the awesome children’s librarian there. She included me with my guitar and storytelling. The seeds were planted then, I guess.
I wrote 8 years for a Christian children’s magazine and was a reporter before library school. I also wrote Scar the Helpful Wolf for Newberry College as a fundraiser for my Alma mater.
I am naturally an introvert and through books, reading and following great people’s works and writing, I learned how to overcome my shyness.
When I am enthralled in conversations, amused, entertained, thought provoked with aha moments, I’ve written them down, yes, all my life, not just in school. I’m a lifelong thinker, writer, observer researcher. I enjoy studying human behavior and seeing how people respond to such kindness.
We all have the capacity to write things down. it simply becomes a choice and way of life.
At my age, I can be tough, persistent, and determined. I don’t take no for an answer. My mom would tell you I am stubborn and impatient.
I have learned from so many people beginning with my grandmother. Notable people whose work I have followed include: Tony Robbins, Esther Perel, Abraham Hicks, Brene brown, Toni Morrison, Oprah Winfrey, and Alexis Maron.
I’m inspired and in awe of most people, especially today, now with the vulnerability and huge capacity for creativity that children have. I like asking them questions and bringing out the best in their thinking. I remind them whether it’s one on one FaceTime meeting with their parent, or in a school auditorium, how fortunate they are, “You have the best access to technology right at your fingertips. And technology is simply an abundance of information. I didn’t have that. Your teachers didn’t have that.
We couldn’t just Google it, we did not have a tutorial we can find on YouTube and learn from someone else. We had what was contained inside our own home. Lucky was he he grew up in a family of thinkers or philosophers. Well, I didn’t know it at the time, but I grew up the middle child of four sisters. We were all THINKERS. And boy, did we share what we were thinking. Even though I may have not contributed to the thinking at the time- I was listening and observing.
I’ve learned how to tell my stories in pictures. UM, HARD! Yet, we’ve done it. And when I cannot tell the story I want to share I work with talent who does like my cousin and artist, Davey Villalobos.
There’s NO WAY I could have possibly done any of the things I’ve done in life without asking people to help me. And I enjoy paying it forward and giving back!
I value all the people who have helped me and continue to do so, like with the Unicorn Jazz world. And I help right back. Anyone who has ever taken the time to listen to me and help me to make a difference, I register them in my brain as “Someone who I will give my time to no matter how busy I am.” And my state ya to then whether it’s verbally in a text or message is “Let me know ANYTHING I can help you with, for helping me and I will do it.”
I laugh with my husband when I tell him how many people I owe favors of helping to. I just add, I hope they don’t cash in at once. Haha. I think that’s how I’ve built my foundations of friendships.
I hope you find YOUR own purpose and responsibility in giving.m back to the world whatever your human capacity is to give at the stage of life you are blessed to be going through.
I hope you write it down and highlight it and read back over and over again from PEOPLE you admire and inspire you.
There’s a huge list of people that would be more enormous than this writing piece I can thank, but they know who they are.
- I hope you find JOY in almost everyone you get to know, truly know.
- I hope you GIVE back to others as they have given to you.
Below is a fun 60 second video, Chris and I created in order to create a virtual connection with people we are privileged to be growing with. It is kind of fun to do this, too! And we are all enjoying creative ways to connect with each other! Join us!
The average child’s attention span is 3 to 5 minutes for each year of their age. When it comes to literacy and learning, you have to get creative in order to keep kids engaged. Puppets are the perfect tool to make reading fun! Books are better when they are read with energy, exciting tones and funny voices. Even if you’re a shy reader, a puppet can become your alter-ego! Kids use their imagination to separate the real speaker from the puppet. So grab a sock, a few buttons–whatever you’d like and bring your new puppet friend to life! ~Keyana Martinez, Mom, Teacher, Found of The Storytime Box for kids

Priscilla playing around with Trezekke Zebracorn Finger Puppet
Mom Blogger, Kristal Leon and daughter Priscilla create happiness with … FINGER PUPPETS!
Kristal created her blog site to provide resources and tips about parenting, military life, and family travel. If it is your first time, I recommend that you click HERE to see what A Sailors Wife is all about.
Below is the full Tutorial with step by step fun!
Get the full DIY kit to create on your own – click here for instruction kit packet.

Author Lisa Caprelli getting ready to do a stortytime at Bathgate Elementary School earlier in 2020, for their family literacy night!
Jim Henson is known for developing the Muppets which become a popular series featuring puppets. One of the best-known characters developed by Henson is Kermit the Frog. This frog went on to become the lead character in many areas and is still known today. The character was intelligent but loved to interact with people and loved to play a good prank.
I grew up with Sesame Street three times in my life! My own childhood, then re-watched the brilliance of Sesame Street through the eyes of my child, Matthew at those sweet precious years. Matthew loved Ernie and always took his Ernie doll with him. It was cool! ~Lisa Caprelli
And 15 years after Matthew was born, at age 38, Trey would enter the world being influenced by Waba Waba Waba and a Doodly Do with Grover and yes, Sesame Street once more. I knew I’d never have a kid again, so this time, I made it a point to memorize a lot of the songs and find meaning – different experience than being 7. Well, that life long entertainment of Sesame Street inspiration would influence me today with children’s books.
You’ve already met Penelope Puppet as she co-hosts Unicorn Jazz’s THE THING I DO kids show
Whether you create a sock puppet, or paper craft puppet, like the many DIY crafts and step by step instructions found on our website, or your own, Unicorn Jazz’s The Thing I Do wants to see yours!
We will be filling up this show pretty quickly, so please keep writing us. Our cut off is one to two weeks prior to the next show! Thank you!
Show 5 -Thursday April 23, 2020. Lisa Caprelli’s Birthday. Surprise book reading.
Show 6 – Music & Arts, Thursday April 30, 2020. We have an amazing line up with all kinds of talent including professional singer, songwriters, kids and part of the Unicorn Jazz Friendship Ambassador team showing us their THING!
Share and send us your ideas for PUPPET, HAPPINESS or ideas led by your kids and you!
Contact us today!