National Unicorn Day Celebrated with Unicorn Jazz and Buchanan Elementary School

/ April 2, 2021

BUCHANAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in Livonia, Michigan on April 9, 2021 is receiving a fun and engaging author visit led by Unicorn Jazz creator, Lisa Caprelli.

National Unicorn Day and Unicorn Jazz Author Visit at Buchanan Elementary Schoolnational unicorn day author visit

Sharing National Unicorn Day News – Unicorn Jazz and Author Lisa Caprelli, Principal Mrs. Mertha and Mrs. Soto made KVIA NEWS SUNDAY FUNDAY in March 2021.

National Unicorn Day is Celebrated in the city of Livonia, Michigan

Livonia is a city in Wayne County, Michigan, that is home to over 94,000 residents. Settled in the early 18th century by New England pioneers, Livonia became incorporated first as a governed town in 1835, then again as a city in 1950. Home to the Livonia Hockey Association, the largest amateur hockey organization in Michigan, the city is the hometown of many professional hockey players, including Chris Tancill, Aaron Palushaj, David Moss, Mike Modano, Jeff Lerg, Ryan Kesler, Al Lafrate, Mike Donnelly, and Chris Conner.

Check Out The Thing I Do Show – Now on Amazon TV

Amazon TV Kids show

Unicorn Jazz & Buchanan Elementary School Author Visit

On April 9, 2021 Lisa Caprelli, award-winning author of the children’s Unicorn Jazz stories and songs will be presenting to the young learners of Buchanan Elementary of all grade levels in two sessions virtually!

Home of the Bears mascot, Buchanan Elementary strives to be a place where learning is fun and meaningful. The school’s vision is dedicated to being an environment where everyone feels safe to explore their life’s interests through the inspiring help of a supportive staff and knowledgeable educators.

We at Unicorn Jazz are excited to be joining up with the staff and students of Buchanan Elementary as part of our virtual World Read Across America Tour, especially on such a special and unique occasion like National Unicorn Day where we get to share our own unique Unicorn and her magical story!

  1.  Presentation by Children’s Author, Lisa Caprelli.  Lisa read The Thing I Do, and students were encouraged to share their “things”.  The Unicorn Jazz Friendship Song and Q&A were discussed
  2.  Lisa Caprelli and special guest, 12 year old actress/singer: Emilly Isabel   
  3. Follow Emily Isabel on Instagram

Thank You Buchanan Elementary School for this author visit on National Unicorn Day!

Emily Isabel was one of the 24 kid singers in the original 12 Days of Christmas Music video – written by Lisa Caprelli


Here are some of our STEM and social emotional free educational Resources you can share now with teachers:

  1. (free curriculum download for book one social emotional learning )
  2. The Thing I Do – our newest book encourage kids to discover and share their talents and interests – click here for instant download.
  3. Bee-ing Happy Beyond the book – make your own Be Happy pages
  4. Eye See You Choosing Kindness – Social emotional packet 
  5. to teachers and all students
  6. Bee Happy DIY Paper bag crafts –
  7. Unicorn Finger puppet – 

unicorn coloring page contest

Teachers, please share with your students for you and your classroom to win some free books!  Have them or you download the free printables at 

Pen Pals With A Children's Book Author

Pen Pal – Elementary School Writing Opportunity With Author of Unicorn Jazz – click to participate for free!

Letter writing encourages a love of reading, writing, creating and touches upon imagination and the arts.

If your young scholar wants to get into writing (and an adult is not making them do this), then my Pen Pals With A Children’s Book Author form is for them. It’s great for children 6–12, educators, classrooms, and libraries.

Songs also available on 30+ music platforms and Also available in SPANISH! Just ask

  1. Unicorn Jazz Friendship Song
  2. The Thing I Do
  3. Dance & Sing With Me
  4. Make That Smile a Little Bit Bigger
  5. Happiness News
  6. Rainbow Song – April 2021

unicorn books for kids unicorn jazz series


How Far is Livonia, MI, from Huntington Beach, California, the HQ of the Unicorn Jazz?

Located on the easternmost side of Michigan bordering Canada, the city of Livonia, MI, is a 33-hour drive from our Unicorn Jazz HQ over a distance of more than 2,270 miles.

Making Geography Fun

Fun Facts about Livonia, Michigan

  • Before European settlement, the area was used as farmland for centuries by the inhabiting tribes of the Potawatomi Indians.
  • Livonia is named after an Upstate New York town of the same name. The origin of the name comes from a region between the Latvian and Estonian borders.
  • The city is home to the nationally historic Greenmead Farms, which was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972. The site was originally built in 1841 with architecture in the Greek Revival setting.
  • Aside from hockey, Livonia is also the hometown of players from other professional sports such as football, baseball, and more. Professional athletes from Livonia include Tim Shaw, FP Santangelo, Doug Brzezinski, Bernie Carbo, and Charlie Haeger. Livonia is also the hometown of Olympic athlete Shelia Taorima who was the first female in history to qualify for three different Olympic events.

Thank you for your support of literacy and the joy of books and learning!

If you’d like to purchase a children’s book for your child’s library or as a gift, you can purchase any of them in paperback hardcover, ebook and Audible – on Amazon or Barnes & Noble online or ask for it at your favorite book retailer!

Author Visit in Yonkers, New York

Free Unicorn Jazz Play Wright / Theater Classroom Script  – for drama, music teachers and for when schools go back to live in person experiences.

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